
Ministry of national unity of Ukraine

The basics of barrier-free access and how to respond to unlawful actions against other people

Опубліковано 30 July 2024 року, о 14:52

If you see someone being treated unfairly, do this:

  1. Call the police right away.

– Call 102 or 112.

– Say your name, last name, and middle name.

– Give your date of birth, where you live, phone number, and where the incident happened.

– Wait for a patrol to arrive if you can.

  1. If there are other witnesses, ask them to wait for the police or write down their contacts.
  2. If you can’t call the police, contact the nearest police station or military.
  3. Get the attention of others. In a public place, call the police loudly, video the offender, and call on other people to join in.
  4. Memorize the details. Pay attention to the attacker’s appearance.
  5. Follow safety rules.

– Don’t try to stop or chase the attacker.

– Stay safe and help the victim.

-Call 103 or 112 for an ambulance.

The Barrier-Free Guide has detailed information and was created by First Lady Olena Zelenska.