
Ministry of national unity of Ukraine

Barrier-free basics: How can you help someone who is having an epileptic seizure?

Опубліковано 2 September 2024 року, о 18:30

Epilepsy is a common chronic neurological disease. There are more triggers for seizures because of the war. These include loud sounds, bright lights, and stress.

If someone is having a seizure, do this:

– Get them to a safe place, put something soft under their head, and time the seizure.

-Turn her on her side to prevent saliva or blood from entering her airways.

-Do not put anything in the person’s mouth.

-Don’t try to stop the seizure. It will pass.

Don’t call for medical help during a seizure, but call 103 if :

– The seizure lasts five minutes or more.

– The seizures keep coming, and the person doesn’t come between them.

– It’s the first seizure.

– The person was hurt during the seizure.

– The seizure happened to a pregnant woman or person with diabetes.

It is important note that an epileptic seizure is not always accompanied by a loss of consciousness or other involuntary bodily movements. In some cases, it may manifest as a brief lapse in memory or cognitive function.

For further details, please consult the Barrier-Free Handbook, created at the initiative of First Lady Olena Zelenska.