
Ministry of national unity of Ukraine

Where to contact the victims of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant explosion for psychological help

Опубліковано 12 June 2023 року, о 21:37

To help people cope with stressful events, groups of first aid psychological service providers work in Kherson and the surrounding regions.

The psychosocial support teams, mobile teams of psychologists, and humanitarian response teams are ready to provide psychological services to Kherson residents at any time.

Detailed information about the provider of first psychological aid services, as well as the types of service, region, and contact person, can be found in the table at this link. All the information provided is actualized and updated.

The Coordination Center for Mental Health prepared the table under the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in cooperation with the MHPSS Technical Working Group, led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Medical Corps.