
Ministry of national unity of Ukraine

Over the past year, more than 3,600 families were given a low-interest mortgage through the еOselya program

Опубліковано 6 October 2023 року, о 15:03

For the past year, Ukraine has been offering a government program that provides loans at lower interest rates. Loans totaling UAH 5.2 billion were given to 3,641 families in Ukraine during this period. The government portal reports.  

Among those who receive our assistance are internally displaced individuals, veterans, and Ukrainian citizens without permanent housing.  In addition to military personnel, security forces, teachers, doctors, and scientists. 

Loans were used to buy homes in both the primary market (1163 loans) and the secondary market (2478 loans). 

For Ukrainian Armed Forces contractors, educators, medical professionals, and scientists, there’s a special annual rate of 3%. For other categories – internally displaced persons, combatants, veterans, etc. – 7%.