Here are some useful tips to help keep you warm and comfortable during the winter:
– Check the windows for any cracks. Apply caulk to the window frames, then treat the glass joints using silicone sealant. If you have new windows with two panes of glass, check if they close properly.
– Apply caulk to the door. Seal any cracks or gaps in the walls, floor, and ceiling with sealant.
– Move furniture from radiators and close curtains. Place reflective screens or create reflectors from aluminum foil and cardboard behind radiators to improve heat distribution.
– Move furniture from radiators and close curtains. Place reflective screens or create reflectors from aluminum foil and cardboard behind radiators to improve heat distribution.
– If possible, add insulation to the exterior wall of your apartment or the wall that experiences the most freezing. Additionally, insulate the balcony.
– Air circulation can lead to heat leaving a room. You can minimize this by installing grilles with adjustable openings.
– Insulate the entrance, basements, and attics with your neighbors. Also, insulate the windows and doors in the foyer and stairwells, as well as pipelines.