
Ministry of national unity of Ukraine

Over 90,000 homeowners will receive compensation for housing IDPs in October

Опубліковано 24 November 2023 року, о 17:02

The Ministry of Reintegration has provided information on the payment of compensation for October this year within the framework of the “Shelter” program. Over 107.6 million UAH will be paid in total.

We talk about the reimbursement of utilities to 90,337 homeowners who have given free shelter to 239,000 IDPs.

To participate in this program, you need to register on the Shelter website and place an ad for temporary housing for internally displaced persons.

The “Shelter” program provides an allowance for utilities of about 450 UAH per month (14.77 UAH per day) for free accommodation of an IDP.

Currently, the Ukrainian Red Cross Society pays for these payments. The Ministry of Reintegration is also working to attract international donors to finance the Shelter Program. Until now, the UNHCR Office has already agreed to earmark funds for the program during the first half of 2024.

As a reminder, the government order entrusted the Ministry of Reintegration to implement the “Shelter” project.