
Ministry of national unity of Ukraine

What residents of the TOT should do during the pseudo-elections of the occupation?

Опубліковано 16 March 2024 року, о 13:08

Any attempts of the occupation authorities to organize and hold pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories are illegal. These actions contradict Ukrainian legislation, as well as the fundamental principles and norms of international law, reminds the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

The results of such “elections” have no legal consequences and cannot be recognized by the international community.

Therefore, Ukrainians who were forced to remain in the TOT should refrain from:

– Participating in “elections”

– Spreading information or campaigning

– Observing the pseudo-elections;

– Other activities aimed at organizing and holding these illegal elections.

It should be noted that participation in the organization and holding of sham elections or public calls for their holding is punishable by law.