
Ministry of national unity of Ukraine

Ukraine has created an app to find missing people, and children who were taken, and reunite families separated by war

Опубліковано 5 September 2024 року, о 13:55

The free app Reunite Ukraine was created by Find My Parent and the National Police of Ukraine.

It finds missing soldiers, and children, and reunites families who have been displaced, left Ukraine, stayed in the TOT, or were deported to russia or belarus.

The app, installed on a child’s or loved one’s phone, enables police to rapidly initiate the search process in the event of a lost child.

To utilize the application, please follow the steps outlined below:  

  1. Download the Reunite Ukraine app by selecting the desired platform: App Store or Google Play.
  2. Install the application and create a profile. Provide as much information as you feel is necessary about yourself, your family, and the people you are looking for.
  3. The application utilizes artificial intelligence to compare the provided data with that of other registered users.
  4. If the information matches, the police verify it. Once verified, both users will receive a notification, allowing them to communicate with each other via the app.

Your data is safe and secure.

Learn more at this website.